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Agentes Internacionais
O DCAS possui uma equipe de agentes que Haen tem fornecido em potencial Studonts internacionais com um serviço único e personalizado de todo o mundo. Eles têm centenas de estudantes de sua parte do mundo para a quadra certa no DCAS e podem hélices que você encontra seu lugar conosco.
Se você não conseguir encontrar um agente para o seu país na lista abaixo, entre em contato com nossa equipe multilíngue:
How can I check my attendance?Request your attendance rate by email to . Simply include on the email subject "ATTENDANCE REQUEST - your full name" and our Administration team will inform you the accummulated attendance rate for your course.
How do I request letters?You can "Request a Letter" online. Your request will be processed within 2 working days and emailed to you by
How do I open a bank account in Ireland?Prior to opening a bank account, please make sure you have received your IRP card from INIS. Once you have received your card, please request a Bank Letter on our ‘Request a Letter’ form on the DCAS website. Administration will process your letter request within 2 working days. Please note that DCAS students can only open bank accounts with the AIB Capel Street bank.
What documents do I need for my INIS appointment?To register with INIS, students will need: A postal order or bank statement proving access to € 3,000 General letter from DCAS – you can request this from our website at ‘Request a Letter’ Medical Insurance letter from DCAS - you can request this from our website at ‘Request a Letter’ Your passport Proof that you have paid your course fees. For more information, please click here:
How do I register with INIS?According to the INIS website: ‘If you live in Dublin City or county, you must go to Burgh Quay Registration Office to register in person. You must also book an appointment online before your visit. If you live outside Dublin, you must go to a regional office to register. You cannot register at the Burgh Quay office in Dublin.’ To read more, click here:
How do I request a certificate?You can request a certificate by submitting a 'Request a Certificate' form. A digital copy of your certificate will be emailed to you by within 2 working days.
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